Exhibitions & work


  • Museo De Antioquia School of Painting Medellin, Colombia 1972-1976 Augusto Rendon School of Etching Medellin, Colombia 1977
  • Academie des Beaux Artes Brussels, Belgium 1981-1984 Academie d’Eherbeck Brussels, Belgium 1983-1984 EXHIBITION 1981 L.I.F.C.A.D.
  • Instituto de formación de cuadros para el desarrollo Brussels, Belgium. Watercolours and monumental painting. 1982
  • Academie des Beaux Artes. Brussels, Belgium 1983


  • Zonder titel tentoonsteling. Rotterdam, Nederland centro cultural SalvadorAllende Wijn. 1983
  • Puffellen Gallery. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Paintings linoetchins and Yiloetchins various mediums. 1984
  • Fenkke Gallery. Paintings and Etchings 1985
  • Gallery Fas, Amsterdam Netherlands. Paintings on Paper. 1986
  • Galleria Veronica. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Monumental Paintings and Etchings. 1987
  • Hel einde van de wereld, Amsterdam film festival 8mm. Film of animation of the works of the artis along with painting his monumental painting extended by popular demand. 1988
  • Museo de Antioquia, Medellín Colombia. Recent works and monumental paintins various mediums. 1991
  • Mia Tanya Gallery, Miami, FL. US. Permanent Exhibition (1991-1993) of Etching 1993
  • F.N V. Artist Union of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands. Linotypes collective exhibition 1995
  • Kleur Rijk Tentoonsteling Gemeente Huis Amersfort, Netherlands. Multi –Cultural Collective exhibition. Etchings and monumental paintings 1996
  • Centro Comercial Monterrey. Medellin, Clombia Monumental paintings and etchings 1997
  • Galleria El Poblado. Medellin, Colombia Monumental Paintings and etchings. 1998
  • Permanent Exhibition and Residency at The Zen Monastery.(1998-2000) San Francisco, CA. US. 2001
  • Antiquario Roxana Mejia. Medellin, Colombia. Paintings and restored antiques. 2002
  • Plantage Dockland, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Homenage a Andy Warhol 2003
  • Meson de la Meditec. Tiers, France Lezers Ailez. 2004
  • Teatre de la Nuit, Collective Exhibition. Montpellier France 2005 Sain Vitorio, Celebration 150 years, Collective exhibition. Thiers, France 2005
  • Turbine a retrospect of underground art. Collective exhibition. Amsterdam Netherlands 2005-2006